January 8, 2021 by lauren
Our Minds Matter is an upstream suicide prevention model based on resiliency research and the power of peer-to-peer influence among adolescents. Through student-led activities and campaigns, OMM clubs aim to improve four outcome areas: 1) help-seeking behavior, 2) positive coping skills, 3) social connectedness and 4) pro-social skills. In this study, we surveyed OMM members […]
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January 8, 2021 by lauren
If you’re an organization that helps teenagers in a complementary aspect, consider becoming a partner with us. Or if you are a business that wants to save the youth that will make up our workforce in the future, help us by sponsoring a program we offer. There’s so much that can be done when we […]
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January 8, 2021 by lauren
Your tax-deductible donation can help fund critical programs in schools that empower our youth to reach out in times of need so that they never turn to suicide. Donate now.
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