Mental Health in Action Reporter
share media highlights of mental health awareness Positively Acrostic
create a positive poem using your name Mental Health Treat Yo-Self!
share how you treat yourself Mental Health Awareness Month
reflect on mental health and how to support others We Are All Under Construction
set goals and focus on your strengths Watering Your Garden
explore how self-care can help you bloom high, low: spring break edition
spring break edition Color Matching
use colors to describe your mood Mindset Mantra
create personal mantras to embrace a growth mindset Compliments Everywhere!
spread kindness with compliments I Love Me
fill a heart with your good characteristics 6 Words or Less
describe a friend in 6 words or less NewLet Me Catch My Breath
inhale what serves you, exhale what doesn't Postcard from Winter Break
reflect on things that went well and challenges New Year Boomerang
reflect on the past year and share what you are looking forward to Name Game
share feelings using the number of letters in your name Would You Rather: Winter Break Edition
winter break edition High, Low: Thanksgiving Edition
thanksgiving edition How’s it Going?
check-in with club members about how they feel about OMM Would You Rather: Food Edition
food edition Attendance Raffle
award club member attendance high-low “trick-or-treat” style
share your "tricks" and "treats" filling your bucket
reflect on your energy & mood emotion check-in
rate your feelings a year in review
review highlights & accomplishments Newphone a friend
who is always there to support you and why Newwould you rather?
fun icebreaker to bond and connect Newkeep it moving: blobs & lines
build connection & move your body to improve mental health UpdatedSpeed Friending
meet your peers in this fun icebreaker UpdatedRose, Thorn, Bud
self reflect & connect with others UpdatedSmoke, Spark, Fire
a twist to rose, thorn, bud UpdatedHigh, Low, Buffalo
another twist to rose, thorn, bud UpdatedWhat’s Your Charge?
discuss how to recharge our internal battery advocacy memory game
a challenge to remember each others’ advocacy interests