May 16-20, 2016: Longfellow Middle School’s Stress Less, Laugh More Week!

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Thanks to a grant from The McLean Community Foundation, JAF helped provide materials and support for Longfellow MS’s 2016 Stress Less, Laugh More Week, helping students destress as SOL season and the end of the school year approaches!  Every day featured a different morning funny on the news and music played between periods, as well as various fun activities and quirks:


Lunch Activity: Happy chalk & bubbles


Lunch Activity: WERQ led by a teacher


Lunch Activity: Laffy Taffy & Jolly Ranchers

All Day: Teachers’ spa provided in the teacher lounges. This included a tranquil water fall, zen music, chocolates, fruit, and flavored water. Additionally, two massage therapists gave 10 minute massages to help give teachers a moment to breathe.


Lunch Activity: Line dancing, DJ’d by a teacher


Lunch Activity: Therapy dogs visited in the school gardens, where teachers could bring their students out to greet and spend a little time with the dogs.

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All Day: Lights out in classrooms

End of Day: Special episode of ‘Lanceformation’