Brookwood Minds Matter, from Snellville, GA, is well on their way to selecting their club leadership for the 2022 – 2023 school year.
Brookwood started off by identifying leadership positions that would be open next school year based on which leaders were graduating seniors. Then, they created a leadership application Google Form with a list and description of the vacant leadership positions so that applications could be easily accessible to both candidates and the current leadership team.
They marketed the open positions during club meetings, on their club social media account @brookwoodmindsmatter and on their school website.
One club leader said, “we are hoping that the officers chosen can continue the momentum we have set in the last 2 years. We hope to ensure that our club continues to make a long-lasting impact within our school. By choosing well-qualified leaders, we hope to create a tradition which promotes breaking the conventions, going the extra mile for the betterment of the club, and starting initiatives that serve our student body.”
Way to get rolling on selecting leaders for next school year, Brookwood! If your club is interested in learning about how your club may go about your leadership transition, check out this Leadership Transition Pathway PDF and map out your road to leadership succession!
[Image descriptions: top left Brookwood Minds Matter student leaders sharing meeting slides collaborating with Brookwood’s African American Studies club leaders for a joint club meeting; bottom right club members from both clubs sitting together on desks in classroom with various posters on back wall of classroom]