National Counselor Appreciation Week

February 1st through 5th is National Counselor Appreciation Week. There are many ways we can show counselors our gratitude such as:

  • creating marketing material for your club’s social media explaining reasons to go see your counselor for reasons beyond class scheduling and college applications
  • writing thank you emails or notes to your counselors
  • highlighting counselors on the morning announcements and including fun facts about them


Student Submissions

If you would like to highlight your counselor, send [email protected] your story. Tell us about how you have had a positive experience working with your school counselor so that we can share your story.

School Counselor Submissions

Or if you are a school counselor and would like to share your experience with us as a counselor send us a short email answering these questions:

  • Why did you choose to become a school counselor?
  • What is your favorite part about your job?
  • What is something that school counselors can help students with that we might not think of?