April 25-29, 2016: McLean High School’s Stress Less, Laugh More Week!

mclean community foundation logo

Using grant support from The McLean Community Foundation, JAF supported McLean High School in putting on a Stress Less, Laugh More week during their spring semester!

The activities that were put on are as follows:

  • Monday, April 25: Students could check out Stress-O-Meter banner and pick up a “fortune” with “take a break ideas” on them during lunch
  • Tuesday, April 26: Musical chairs in the cafeteria during lunch and win prizes
  • Wednesday, April 27: Snow Cone Day in the courtyard during lunch
  • Thursday, April 28: Make-your-own-stress-ball activity in the cafeteria during lunch
  • Friday, April 29: Mindfulness/yoga class in the dance room during Highlander Time + therapy dogs in the library courtyard during lunch

Below are some photos from the week:

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Last but not least, McLean HS’s News Show broadcasted a brief news story about their Stress Less, Laugh More week!