“Thank you so much for the Stress Less, Laugh More materials! We had a wonderful West Potomac Pyramid Wellness Day on December 9, and we shared the buttons and cards with the other schools in the pyramid. School counselors here greeted students as they came in the front door. We had a banner in the front lobby advertising the West Potomac Pyramid Wellness Day and then a Stress Less, Laugh More banner in the cafeteria. At lunch students wrote ways that they relieve stress on post it notes and added them to the banner. We also had positive sayings on the lunch tables. We gave all the teachers the Stress Less, Laugh More and the 1 in 4 buttons as well as a stress ball and a template for them to describe how they relieve stress. It was a wonderful event and we really are so very appreciative of all of your supplies and materials. It made the Wellness Day really special!”
– West Potomac High School Counselor