April 16 – 19, 2013: 2nd Annual Mental Wellness Week at South Lakes High School

Since last year’s Mental Wellness Week (see post), South Lakes HS has officially started an Active Minds club which sponsored this year’s highly visible and impactful week.

Tuesday:  “Reducing Stress” – activities in the cafeteria during all lunches will be focused on sharing ideas on how to reduce stress.  Depression screening of the junior class.   Parent workshop in the evening with three stations: Depression and Suicide Awareness, Stress and Anxiety and Resiliency.

Wednesday: “Safety Nets” – Students to write the name of someone who supports them during difficult times.  These were symbolically hung on a net in the cafeteria. Depression screening of the junior class continues. Yoga for students.

Thursday:  “Laugh More” – buttons available for all students/faculty.  Students to write out jokes with the best ones read out at lunch.

Friday:  “Bounce Back Day” – focus on how to recover after facing difficult times.

 The JAF was pleased to fund Laugh More buttons, Stress Management postcards, resource materials and provide free yoga instruction for students and staff.

New articles from South Lakes Sentinel Online:

April 17-19, 2013: